Allotey Jacobs Finally Reveals What Caused His Suspension From The NDC

Allotey Jacobs
Allotey Jacobs

Suspended member of the NDC, Bernard Allotey Jacobs has disclosed in a new interview the real cause of his suspension from his party. 

Speaking on Okay FM’s ‘Ade Akye Abia’ Morning Show, the Allotey Jacobs said his refusal to criticize the incumbent government over their flagship Free SHS program led to the party’s hatred towards him.

Allotey Jacobs said:

“When Akufo-Addo’s government implemented the free SHS policy, I was one of the first critiques against the free SHS, but you know something . . . if you start attending radio programmes, the way you talk and carry yourself, it makes you endear yourself to a lot of people who belong to both NDC and NPP, so the moment you criticize something of the government, you get people calling you to tell you how they have benefitted from what you are criticizing,”

He stressed that criticizing a new government that is doing something good like the implementation of the Free SHS policy was not going to help the cause of the NDC during the campaign time, hence, his decision to stop criticizing the Free SHS Policy.

“If there is a new government in place and it is doing something that is good, it benefits some people, so you don’t need to go, drag in and criticize it so seriously. If you do that, at the end of the day when the campaign starts, then the people will look at you with different eyes,” he stressed.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com
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