One hundred years ago, the Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infected 500 million people – about a third of the world’s population at the time.
Gold Coast (modern Ghana) was severely attacked by the influenza pandemic of 1918–19. The disease was introduced by shipping along the southern coast and overland across the northern frontier. As was true elsewhere on the continent, the spread of influenza was greatly facilitated by the new colonial transportation network.
Quarantines and other preventive measures were futile and therapy, African or British, could do no more than alleviate symptoms. Influenza struck the majority of the population, but mortality rates varied regionally and, to some extent, by occupation. Deaths were especially numerous in the far north. The influenza epidemic killed 100,000 or more than in less than six months and was almost certainly the worst short-term demographic disaster in the history of Ghana.
However, it was around this same time, the First World War about ending. Gallant men fought in the war. One of the great fighters in the war front from the Gold Coast was Torgbi Xenodzi Dogbey. He was a mighty warrior, who survived fights in Europe and returned gloriously. Here in West Africa, the war broke forth and King Xenodzi fought in Lome, unto his domain Klikor.
Torgbi Xenodzi Dogbey succeeded in bringing home some of the ancient relics from Europe. These relics were taken by the Romans from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, which Temple they destroyed. This was 1950 years ago in Jerusalem, but some of the relics found its way to Germany.
During the battle, Torgbi Xenodzi Dogbey, the direct descendant of Biblical Jehoahaz, son of Josiah, obtained the lost precious Jewish Temple relics of his ancestors, being rightly entitled to it.
Here at Klikor, Priest-King Xenodzi Dogbey I, who is also descendant of Torgbi Atsu Adzraka I of Klikor, captured and reigned over the Worgbato kingdom of Klikor and was also the Chief Priest of the Adzima Prima Materia Divinity for the entire Klikor.
READ ALSO: Ghanaian Chief, King Xenodzi Dogbey II Discovers Vaccine And Elimination Of Coronavirus
Also, due to the severeness of the Spanish flu, the British, then colonial masters of the Gold Coast, begun Vaccination against the disease. A Vaccine is produced from a dead Virus, but where the Vaccine is not properly prepared, it becomes a biological weapon by itself hence months of study of mutations is required in producing the best vaccine.

Soon the British had reached the shores of Klikor on horses and to begin the vaccination. They reached the palace of the Great Priest-King Torgbi Xenodzi I.
Something happened. The British Vaccination officers were opposed by some of the Klikor citizens then.
Some of the klikor citizens including one Agbenyshie, attacked the British Vaccination officer by slapping him and pulling his nose. When the officer reported the matter, British armed men returned to arrest the culprit who had run through the Palace of King Xenodzi I and escaped.
As a result, the British arrested priest-King Xenodzi I, thinking that Agbenyshie was hiding in the Palace. The innocent Priest-King of Klikor, was sent by the British to Ada where he was put under house arrest. He died at the hands of the British there in 1919.
Thus, was the fate of the great son of Klikor, Priest-King Torgbi Xenodzi I, who had children at Klikor, Penyi, Togo, Benin and other places as Priest-King.
After the death of the Great Priest-King, the people of Klikor could not find a replacement for him for some years and as a result, all his properties and kingdom were plundered by other people.
Some married his wives and as a result, settled on the lands of his Klikor worgbato Kingdom. Even some people of Agbozume also took portions of his land.
Hundred years down the line, the current Paramount Chief, King of Kings of Klikor, Fiagah Addo VIII ordered the installation a new King/Chief for the war Stool Valour of Worgbato Priest-King Torgbi Xenodzi I.
It was really a great step in the right direction, as other or former Paramount chiefs had not done that. This was very heroic on the Part of the 88 years current paramount Chief or Fiagah of the Klikor, Fiaga of Klikor Torgbigah Addo VIII, to return the Worgbato Kingdom of Klikor to its rightful owners the Royal Xenodzi Family.
Here comes the fate of who becomes the King of the Worgbato Kingdom which is currently made up of about fifty-five (55) settlements.
The Xenodzi Royal Family searched for a King among themselves. In all, however, five (5) persons were considered but one has to be chosen as King.
Miraculously as in the days of their biblical ancestor David, son of Jesse, none of the five (5) chosen was accepted after lots were cast at the Oracle by Urim and Thummim, and Ephah, as was the case of biblical David.
Finally, the Oracle of God Chose Dr. Rabbi Segbene Xenodzi Furguson, to succeed the Priest-King Torgbi Xenodzi Dogbey I, even though he was not initially part of the first five (5) persons chosen by the family elders because he was youngest of them.
It was on the 31st of December 2019, that he the chosen King was confined by the Fiagah of Klikor, Torgbigah Addo VIII and Kingmakers of Klikor with three others for other kingdoms within Klikor. House confinement of Seventeen (17) days followed suite.
After the Anlo Chieftaincy rites and installation was done, coronation and grand durbar were held on the 5th of January, making introductions to the people of Klikor with oath-taking and swearing of allegiance.
On the 27th of January, 2020, a first Publication was made on the installation after an interview which was titled “West Africa Produces A Hebrew Seer King With Miraculous Birth Sign”
