Duncan Williams has woefully failed as a pastor – Bongo Ideas

Duncan Williams has woefully failed as a pastor for allowing his son to go wayward – Bongo Ideas
Duncan Williams has woefully failed as a pastor for allowing his son to go wayward – Bongo Ideas

Duncan-Williams, according to Bongo Ideas, has failed in his role as a pastor since he allowed his kid to stray from the faith.

Archbishop Nicolas Duncan Williams has failed as a pastor, according to controversial think tank Bongo Ideas, since he let his son to go astray.

Daniel alias Dee-wills, son of the widely revered Man of God, has been engaged in immoral behaviors, which he has been posting about with pride on social media.

He just released a music video for some cyclic music he made with rapper Eno Barony, and it’s not exactly divine.

Bong Ideas joined the chorus of critics of Dee-song Will’s by attacking the singer’s father.

If the son of a man of God strays, the fault, in his view, rests squarely with the parent.

If you can’t lead your own household, he said, you have no business becoming a pastor of a church.

Bongo Ideas added that “A revered “man of God” who preaches and encourages family virtues must not have a home that breeds unrepentant vagabonds. It contravenes his teachings”

Duncan Williams has woefully failed as a pastor for allowing his son to go wayward – Bongo Ideas



Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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