Ghanaians Survival Is In Their Our Own Hands” – President Akufo Addo

President Akufo-Addo's 16th address on coronavirus
President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has says “Our survival is in our hands” regarding the fight against the coronavirus in the country.

Addressing the nation in a televised address on Sunday, 15 June 2020, the President noted that: “If we are lax and inattentive, we will continue to have serious challenges with the virus. If we are mindful and self-discipline, we have it in us to defeat this pandemic and help return our lives to normalcy”.

As of the 14th June 2020, the total number of COVID-19 cases recorded in Ghana stood at 11,964, out of the 254, 331 tests conducted, 4, 258 recoveries and 54 deaths.

According to information on the Ghana Health Service’s official website, The country has currently recorded 11,422 cases.

The country’s active cases has reached 7215 with 304 new cases.

As part of measures to mitigate the spread of the virus, President Akufo-Addo said the wearing of face masks is now mandatory,adding that the police will arrest anyone who fails to wear a nose mask in public.

He warned that anybody who goes out without wearing one will be dealt with by the police.

“It is important for me to remind residents of the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions, where the great majority of cases have been recorded, and in the Western and Central Regions, where we are seeing an increase in infection cases, to continue to adhere strictly to the social distancing and enhanced hygiene protocols announced. With the doctors and scientists telling us that the virus is transmitted from human contact, through talking, singing, coughing and sneezing, which results in sending droplets of the virus from one person to another, residents of these four regions, and, indeed, all Ghanaians, must remember that the wearing of masks is now mandatory. Leaving our homes without a face mask or face covering on is an offence”, he said.

“The police have been instructed to enforce this directive, which is the subject of an Executive Instrument…let me repeat: our survival is in our own hands,” the President added.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com
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