A lot has been going on in the Afrikan fashion industry especially Ghana. Ghanaian fashion has grown from baggy jeans and oversized T-shirts in the 90s to the current fancy styles today. Fashion has seen a lot of changes over the years with men, women and children finding new styles for every season.
As stated earlier, fashion in Ghana has not always been the way it is today. Kente was the original traditional wear of the Ghanaian people. In fact, it is believed that the entire Subsaharan fashion owes its progress and development to Ghana.

So, it’s no surprise that Jennifer Cole, CEO of New York-based JennCole Designs, has expressed willingness to team up with The Taste of Afrika to bring a remarkable revolution in the Ghanaian fashion and modelling industry and the Afrikan continent at large.
Consequently, JennCole Designs seeks to;
- To learn the Culture of Afrika in all aspects. Learning Afrikan fashion and introducing American fashion to young Afrikan women and collaborating the two.
- Start in Ghana by working with young Afrikan women interested in fashion and modelling. Create a team to work alongside to help as many young Afrikan women as possible for this movement.
- Teach about the different fashion shows and runway shows known internationally so they are confident enough to compete anywhere in the world.
- Teach the different techniques in sewing/patterns/machines and how the industry of fashion is constructed.
- Start an annual show in Ghana to showcase their work and talents after training. Then branch out to different areas of Afrika with the show.
- Solicit sponsors and spearhead fundraisers to raise money for these shows. Also raise money and solicit sponsors in the US to promote these shows.
- Introduce the Jenn Cole Designs brand and the captivating story on how everything started including how she overcame all the obstacles of being a black female entrepreneur.
- Teach the young African female how to take their work or gift and create a successful business. Empowering them to bring out their most creative and artistic abilities to show the rest of the world the talents and abilities in Afrika and a lot more as the movement progresses.
With more than 2 decades of experience in the fashion industry (designing/fashion/modelling), Jennifer Cole (CEO/Senior Designer of JennCole Designs) will be nothing but a great asset to The Taste of Afrika as Director of Fashion and Modeling by empowering young Afrikan women on the streets of Ghana to “Dream, Rise and Lead” creating entrepreneurs out of them.

Jennifer Cole is a well-known figure in the States and has worked for iconic Designers, Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein. She travels all over as a designer working with 5 Star Hotels, Casinos, Resorts and Cruz ships like the Bahamas, Grand Cayman, British Virgin Islands, St Martin, Anguilla and many more. Her passion for the fashion industry and helping others is what makes her the best at what she does.
Read more about Jennifer Cole, CEO of New York-based JennCole Designs, on jenncole.design/
Source: theBBCghana.com