Korle Bu To Hold Mass Burial For Unclaimed Bodies

Korle Bu Teaching Hospital Mass Burial
Korle Bu Teaching Hospital Mass Buria

Authorities of the Korlu Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra have announced that the health facility will be burying unclaimed dead bodies currently at the morgue en masse within the next fourteen days.

A statement signed by Head of Public Relations Mustapha Salifu, noted that the ‘move is to decongest the hospital’s mortuary which is currently full beyond its carrying capacity.

According to the statement, there are several bodies that have been in storage for long periods, some, as long as 3 years in the morgue.

“These bodies have been in the morgue for varying periods ranging from one to three years and this has contributed to the exhaustion of the morgue’s capacity,” part of the statement read.

They urged families who have corpses of relatives in the mortuary to come for them before the action is taken.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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