Men Are Like Babies, They Always Want To Be Pampered – Counsellor Charlotte Oduro To Ladies

A mature man doesn’t look out for buttocks and breasts - Charlotte Oduro
A mature man doesn’t look out for buttocks and breasts - Charlotte Oduro

Relationship Counsellor Charlotte Oduro has cautioned ladies to be wise and adore their husbands even if the men are at faults.

According to her, the joy of a marriage is a lady who is not willing to let go of her husband. In a video sighted by The BBC Ghana, Madam Charlotte Oduro advised colleague ladies to always pamper their men if they want to save their marriage.

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Speaking on Hitz Fm, Madam Charlotte Oduro explained that the best way a lady can keep her man is to pamper him and give him peace of mind whenever he is in the house.

She added that these two things will always make him remember you and wish to be with you whenever he is away.

“Even if he is in the arms of another woman, he will always compare you to her and will always miss the way you treated him. He will say words like ‘my wife will never do this to me. Why are you shouting? My wife will never shout on me…..’ ” – Counselor Charlotte Oduro.

Counsellor Charlotte Oduro went ahead to give details of how to pamper men. According to her, women should welcome their husbands’ home with a smiling face and romantic words. A welcome kiss on his check and undressing him is a good start.

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Also, place his head on your lap when he is in the sitting room watching TV. Make a nice conversation with him about his day.

Watch the video below for more;


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