Photos: Bees Drive MP, MCE And Chiefs From An Event They Held Secretly

Bees Walk Out MP From Event
Bees Walk Out MP From Event

On Wednesday, June 10 at Koforidua, a community in the Eastern Region of Ghana, high profile dignitaries were sent running for their lives after a swarm of bees invaded their event grounds.

The incident happened at Koforidua, a community in the Eastern Region of Ghana as the high profile dignitaries were sent running for their lives after a swarm of bees invaded their event grounds.

New Juaben North’s Member of Parliament, Nana Adjei Boateng together with the Municipal Chief Executive of the area were rushed to the hospital.

Bees Walk Out MP From Event
Bees Walk Out MP From Event

The BBC Ghana’s check as of today indicates that the duo is receiving treatment from qualified doctors at the Koforidua St Joseph Hospital in the Eastern Region of the country and others who were not badly injured were treated and discharged.

Some citizenry in the area shared their experience as other residents living around the facility disclosed this is not the first time the bees have attacked and disrupted a ceremony the other faction also posited that there might be a bit of spirituality to it.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com
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