A young Ghanaian lady has taken to social media specifically Facebook to share her relationship plight and it’s very unfortunate.
According to her, no man born of a woman has proposed love to her since entering into the adolescent age till this day and she feels it’s spiritual.
Read what she posted on Facebook below:
“I am 22 and no guy ever approach me (not even creepy or old guys approach me). My aunt came to visit me and told me that I need to start dating and finding someone since I have never had a bf before. She asked me if anyone has asked me out yet and I told her that no men ever approach me and she got shocked and surprised. Yea I don’t understand either?
“I don’t think I am ugly and I am in shape. I am at an average height for a woman and I even weigh a little below average for my height. Sometimes I get compliments on my appearance and family friends keep asking if I have a bf yet and when I tell them no they can’t seem to understand why.
“Even one time my Uber driver asked if I had a bf and I said no, he was surprised and said I was attractive and he reassured me that I would find someone but no guys ever seem interested in me. Idk why I never get approached if I am not ugly……? People tell me many times that I have a very young-looking face but should that stop men from approaching me?
“Idk what to do about my nonexistent dating life. I feel like I am pretty much am about to be forever alone even though I am not ugly and I don’t have any physical defects. I am not going to approach a guy so please don’t tell me that is what I need to do.
I just want all of this to end, I might just end it all.
what advice do you have for HER?
Source: TheBBCghana.Com