The year 2020 will most certainly go down the annals of history as the most difficult and most challenging period ever for businesses and enterprises across the globe.
For big multinational cooperations and small businesses, the devastating impact is the coronavirus pandemic has left a great many companies crawling on their knees with the majority of employees being left to suffer the brunt of what once was a vibrant economy and a working environment. Over a million cases of job losses have been recorded all over the world.
The situation is no different in Ghana, with the majority of the mainstream working force, both government and private being asked to stay at home as a result of the pandemic with salaries slashed to half while others, unfortunately, lose their jobs and a result their source of income completely.
The small business owners, entrepreneurs, and those that are self-employed by means of either plying a trade or engaged in some economic activities by which they depend on selling a product or offering service to the general public have been the hardest hit within this crisis. As a great majority of this demographic rely on their daily wages and earnings to cater for themselves, their families, and to refuel their businesses.
A Ghanaian Hub, SheThrives, with its sole mandate to support women entrepreneurs to live a life of significance by providing infrastructure, business development, and support, has stepped in to during this very trying period to help women entrepreneurs best navigate these difficult times we all find ourselves in.
She thrives under the able leadership of is its founder and CEO Judith Ocancey has offered a variety of training programs, mentorship, and other helpful tools over the last few months to better equip and educate women entrepreneurs and also the general public on how to best make the most of whatever business they find themselves engaged in.
COVID-19 Pitch Competition;
The HUB has made great use of the stay at home policy and social distancing, to digitally reach its audience via social media platforms and engaging them in training sessions, educational activities and also cash giveaways to help better their line of work during the #covid19 pandemic.
SheThrives has been in existence since 2010 and has helped hundreds of young Ghanaian women in different fields of endeavour. With lots of success stories and great reviews from those who’ve had the opportunity to have come in contact with the hub.
See photos below:

Source: TheBBCghana.Com