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John Mahama Has Joined Forces With Al Qaeda to Stage A Coup in Ghana – Abronye Alleges

“He Who Alleges Must Prove” – Abronye DC Presents Prove To Shame Mahama

The Bono Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwame Baffoe Abronye, popularly known as Abronya DC, has written to the Criminal Investigation...
Duncan Willians son smokes

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams Gets WORRIED As His Son Turns Into A WEE Smoker...

The Founder and Leader of Action Chappel International,  Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Willaim's son, Daniel Duncan Williams has been sighted smoking marijuana.Daniel Duncan Williams has...
First Lady To Refund GHC899,000 Paid Her Since 2017; Rejects Gov’t Salary Offer

First Lady To Refund GHC899,000 Paid Her Since 2017; Rejects Gov’t Salary Offer

The First Lady, Mrs. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, says she can’t accept the emoluments approved for her by Parliament.She has thus decided to refund to the state...
Tracey Boakye

Kennedy Agyapong’s Girlfriend Calls Tracey Boakye A ‘Village Girl’

Social media has been lit for the past 24 hours with a series of insults coming from the camp of actress Tracey Boakye and...
SHS Students

‘We Have Not Said Papers Have Leaked’ – WAEC Rejects Accusations Of Leaking Exams...

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) says it cannot be blamed for mass leakage of exams questions on social media.Mounting a strong defence the...