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Nigel Gaisie pulls a U-turn on Ken Agyapong, saying, “I retract and apologize”
Nigel Gaisie, the founder of the Prophetic Hill Chapel, has apologized to Kennedy Agyapong, an Assin Central Member of Parliament, for a recent rant...
Masturbation is the beginning of madness – Counsellor Lutterodt
Counsellor George Lutterodt has set the record straight that masturbation isn’t a sin but it leads to madness.
During an interview with Kastle FM, he...
3 совета по выбору идеальной люстры
Как выбрать правильный размер люстры Как выбрать люстру правильного размера - Flip The Switch Размер вашего светильника должен составлять...
The best foods for boosting your immune system
A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. Can specific foods boost the immune system?
The immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues,...
List Of 7 Ghanaian Actresses Who Have Slept With John Dumelo – No. 7...
John Dumelo (born February 3, 1984) is a Ghanaian actor, farmer, and politician. On April 1st 2014, he emerged as the first Ghanaian to...