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SHS student gets iPhone 11 pro max and power bank from caring boyfriend; says she’ll never leave him

Video: SHS student gets iPhone 11 pro max and power bank from caring boyfriend;...

The entire Apple brand seems to be a hit with Ghanaian women all over. The pride of having an Apple device in hand seems to...
How I found out that my wife who claimed to be 29 was actually 43 – Man, 32, shares sad story

How I found out that my wife who claimed to be 29 was actually...

A Nigerian man has shared a lengthy post on social media detailing the lies and deceit that shrouds his wife’s personality. The man, 32, said...

The Advantages and Possibilities of Virtual Reality Casinos

Echtgeld-Glücksspiel-Apps für Mobilgeräte -Für viele, Https://Australianshooters.Com.Au/Forum/Profile/Zacherylozano5/ Dies war ihre erste Erfahrung mit einem Internet-Glücksspielunternehmen. Danach würden Sie sicherlich das Glücksspiel-Enterprise-Programm auf Ihrem Computer...
MTN codes

MTN data bundle cheat codes you should know

Y'all know that these days data bundles and airtime are becoming much more expensive to afford. However, many of us have no idea about...
Jenn Cole Design School

Mega fashion and modelling school in Ghana, “Jenn Cole Design School” launched (+ Video

The wait is over as arguably the largest fashion and modelling citadel christened “Jenn Cole Design School” has been launched.At a colourful ceremony held...