Today’s Newspaper Frontpages: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Newspaper Headlines
Newspaper Headlines

Daily Graphic

  • Covid-19 safety measures: SHSs enforce protocols
  • Government has no hand in demolition of property – Foreign Minister
  • Restructure public basic school system – Prof Adei urges

Ghanaian Times

  • Demolition of building situated at the Nigerian High Commission: Osu stool claims land
  • Former President John Mahama to unveil policies ahead of manifesto launch
  • GES: Parents must assist children to observe Covid-19 safety protocols

The Chronicle

  • John Mahama on promising spree
  • Ordnance base risks another explosion.. Authorities fail to implement recommendations after first incident
  • Autopsy report on murdered Ofankor tenant ready – Police

Daily Guide

  • Mahama responds to Government Official 1 tag
  • 4,500 Greater Accra schools disinfected
  • Ayariga trial witness ‘missing’

Daily Post

  • Mahama will pay depositors whose monies are locked up if voted into power
  • Akufo-Addo government begins anti-Ewe operations at Eastern borders with a section of security services
  • Job losses after banking sector clean-up will hurt NPP in December – Kobby Mensah

The New Crusading Guide

Akufo-Addo congratulates NPP on successful primaries

Osu Asafoatsemei caution Chieftaincy Minister

BBPI condemns Paul Twum Barimah… for winning Dormaa East NPP Primaries

The Finder

Source: TheBBCghana.Com
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