+18 VIDEO: Counsellor Lutterodt BOLDLY fing£rs a beautiful lady live on Tv — WATCH

Counsellor Lutterodt fingers a lady
Counsellor Lutterodt’s BOLDLY fing£rs a beautiful lady live on Tv

United Television recently outdoored an adult talk show christened “Red Light” which seeks to educate married couples on how to perform better in bed during lovemaking.

Even though the show has aired for over three weeks now, it turns out what happened last night on the show has made it the most talked-about edition so far.

As Ghana’s relationship expert, Counsellor Lutterodt who appeared on the above-mentioned show decided to do the most by playing with the cl!toris of an unknown lady live on UTV

During the Thursday, March 19 edition, Counsellor Lutterodt was seen playing with the cl!t of a young lady who was b*tts naked on the show.

And the truth is, Counsellor Lutterodt also pressed the backside of the lady a couple of times before he finally decided to put her on the bed they have made in the studio for further ‘reaching’.


 Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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