Captain Smart follows Nana Yaa Brefo, resigns from Adom Fm –...
Morning Show host of Accra-based Adom FM, Godsbrain Smart affectionately called Captain Smart has resigned from the Multimedia brand.Sources close to Captain Smart made...
SAD VIdeo: Kumasi-based Abusua Fm owned by Bola Ray turns into...
The atmosphere in the Ghanaian media space is not something to reminisce and laugh at considering how radio personalities who are loud behind the...
Lesbobo Lady Shares Photos of Injuries Sustained At The Hands Her...
A lesbobo lady has shared photos of injuries she sustained at the hand of her partner while advising other lesbians in abusive relationships to...
Sista Afia Reports Freda Rhymz To Nima Police Over Death Theat...
Francisca Gawugah who is popularly known in the showbiz circle as Sista Afia and Freda Rhymz has engaged in a brawl at the premise...
“I Won’t Go Hungry, God Will Look After me” – Nana...
Controversial TV and radio broadcaster, Nana Yaa Brefo has resigned from Adom TV, Multimedia Group, after working with the media giant for 10 years. The...
CONFIRMED: Joana of Tv3’s Date Rush Suffering From Mental Illness
A close relative of Joana, a contestant in the ongoing TV3’s “Date Rush” reality show, has made it emphatic that Joana is mentally ill...
‘I Will Never Date A Broke Guy Because They Are Cheaters’...
Dr Obengfo's pride, Moesha Buduong has given specific reasons as to why she can never date a broke man.The stunning Ghanaian actress hinted that...
I Almost Committed Suicide After Nana Yaa Brefo’s SAVAGE Interview –...
Popular Ghanaian highlife crooner, KK Fosu has narrated how he almost committed suicide after being disgraced and called names by Nana Yaa Brefo in...
Police Officers Run To Angel Obinim For Prayers Amid Arrest –...
There is confusion over whether or not controversial pastor Bishop Daniel Obinim of the International God’s Way Church has been picked up by the...
2 Interviews By Nana Yaa Brefo That Ended Up With INSULTS...
Journalism is a profession that seeks to educate, inform, and entertain should never be reduced to anything but noble. Unfortunately, this has not always...