Hot Video: Rev Owusu Bempah is impotent – Prophetess Pep Donkor reveals

Prophetess Pep Donkor
Rev Owusu Bempah is impotent – Prophetess Pep Donkor

Sofo Maame Pep Donkor has taken Prophet Owusu Bempah to the cleaners. The United Kingdom-based Ghanaian prophetess says Prophet Owusu Bempah is impotent.

In the voice of the prophetess, the pro-NPP Prophet is obsessed with wrongdoing to the extent that it’s rendered him impotent

She then went vulgar saying Owusu Bempah’s pɛnɨs is filled with evil deeds and not spɛɤms.

All these attacks were triggered by her belief that the man of God is providing cover for Komfo Agradaa’s evil deeds.


 Source: TheBBCghana.Cokm

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