I washed utensils for income when I travelled abroad for the first time – Gospel musician Kwaku Gyasi

Kwaku Gyasi wash utensils
I washed utensils for income when I travelled abroad for the first time – Gospel Musician, Kwaku Gyasi

Gospel musician, Kwaku Gyasi has revealed in a new interview with Amansan Krakye on GBC Radio Central that there’s nothing wrong in doing menial jobs outside for a living.

Kwaku Gyasi said it’s so wrong for Ghanaians to be mocking their friends and family members who wash bowls as a source of livelihood when they travel outside to seek for greener pastures.

He contended that so far as the person is engaging in a legal activity, there’s nothing wrong with that.

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He also reminded his detractors that he never washed bowls in Canada during his stay that as it was speculated. He said;

“I want every Ghanaian to understand that if someone has gotten the opportunity to travel abroad and even if things have become difficult to the extent that the person makes a living out of washing cooking utensils, so far as the person doesn’t steal, I feel that is much better.

“Because the Bible says that the hands that don’t work shouldn’t eat. We should have a positive mindset and stop making a mockery of those abroad who do petty jobs to survive.

“However, when I was in Canada at first, I was washing utensils until later on I got the opportunity to further my education and because I’m gifted with the ability to play musical instruments,” Gospel Musician, Kwaku Gyasi added.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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