“NDC is the cause of graduate unemployment in Ghana” – John Boadu

NDC is the cause of graduate unemployment in Ghana – John Boadu
NDC is the cause of graduate unemployment in Ghana – John Boadu

The General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party, John Boadu has said that the employment challenges confronting the country should be blamed on bad decisions taken by the erstwhile Mahama government.

According to him, the previous Mahama-led government agreed to some terms and conditions proposed by the IMF, which are inimical to the development of the country’s youth.

Speaking at the Volta Regional NPP Annual Delegates Conference in Ho, Mr. Boadu assured that the Akufo-Addo administration will tackle the employment deficit through industrialization.

“Yes, there are challenges with employment and it is because of what we inherited. If you have a government that cannot have integrity in its projects and programmes and you just surrender the country to IMF under such conditions that are inimical, particularly to the betterment of our youth for close to 5 years. Even the NABCO that we brought that has taken close to 100,000 people is not enough.”

However, the National Democratic Congress disagrees especially Sammy Gyamfi as to his best knowledge, the NPP administration could have done a lot in the five years that they’ve been in power.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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