STATEMENT: Ghana’s fuel prices to go up today – NPA

Fuel prices
Fuel prices to go up today

Consumers of petroleum products should be prepared to pay more for fuel at the pumps beginning today, June 1, 2020.

This follows an increment in the BOST Margin by Cabinet which was announced by the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) over the weekend.

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The BOST Margin has been increased from 3 pesewas to 6 pesewas for a litre of petroleum product.

Meanwhile, the Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Petroleum Consumers (COPEC), Duncan Amoah says fuel prices at the pumps will go up by between five and eight percent.

“Consumers will most likely have to pay more for fuel because world market prices, crude alone has done about 40%. With finished products such as gasoline, gas oil has also seen a sharp jump on the international market. It is quite certain that we will be doing between 5% and 8% [increase in fuel prices],” he said in an interview.

As a reminder, the BOST Margin has remained at 3 pesewas per litre since 2011. In December 2019, it almost went up to 6 pesewas per litre but the decision was quickly reversed following intense pressure on the government by opposition parties as well as CSOs such as the Chamber of Petroleum Consumers (COPEC).

Read the full statement below from the camp of NPA:

Fuel prices to go up today
Fuel prices to go up today

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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