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Slay Queen Captured Using Bottle On Her TONGA At A Wedding Party (VIDEO)
You will never know when they will end up disgracing you.A young lady alleged to be a slay queen has been captured in this new viral video using...
Nine Future Predictions For A Post-Coronavirus World
As the ripple of COVID-19 careens around the globe, it’s forcing humankind to innovate and change the way we work and live. The upside...
Asiedu Nketiah has betrayed me and he’ll pay a very high price – Koku...
A former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Koku Anyidoho has warned that the General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu...
Tsikata Files Two New Motions At The Supreme Court After Today’s
Counsel for the Petitioner, Tsatsu Tsikata has filed two applications before the Supreme Court following the apex’s court dismissal of the application to re-open...
Find Out Main Reason Why Dr UN Was Arrested
New details have emerged about why Kwame Owusu Fordjour aka Dr.UN has been arrested by Police in Kumasi.Narrating the reason behind his arrest, Sampson...