Video: Only A Foolish Man Takes A Loan to Get Married – Pastor

Only A Foolish Man Takes A Loan to Get Married
Only A Foolish Man Takes A Loan to Get Married

In modern times weddings have become more and more extravagant and pressure is mounted on young men to provide their spouses with the weddings of their dream.

Not everyone can afford it and whilst some go with what they can afford, others also jump deep into debt to hold their dream wedding.

Speaking on this, a Ghanaian pastor has heavily criticized men who take loans to get married, describing them as foolish.

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The pastor whose name remains unknown at the time of publication slammed any young man who decides that taking a loan is the only way to get married.

“Please no man should be foolish enough to go and take a loan. You are a fool if you go and take a loan to marry. You are a double fool,” he said.

“I have said it without apology. You are a fool. You are not thinking well. Why do you want to bind yourself? If she cannot have normal whatever that you can afford let her go to the person.

“Start life small. The Bible says they comparing one to another, they were not wise,” he added.

Video Below:



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