Are We Waiting For The Vaccine Or We Are Going For The Cure? – Justice Phinehas Quizzes

Coronavirus vaccine in Madagascar
Coronavirus vaccine in Madagascar

I, first of all, extend my greetings and appreciation to the President and everyone who had been supporting the dreams of the President in these trying times. In fact, the President has tried any other means to fight this pandemic but the more the cases of this stubborn virus are shooting up.

The citizens are all doing well to fight this virus even to the extent of taking in concoctions that help to boost the immune system since we are made known that our immune system fight against the Coronavirus and adhering the all the precautionary measures except just a few ones.

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As our Elders say, “When God creates a blind person, He creates his helper”. Just recently, Madagascar was blessed to find a cure for this virus which other Researchers claim that there is no cure.

After this cure was found, some funny things are happening that I think the attention of Africans must be drawn to. The WHO had warned that this cure found in the Africa land is not tested and hence should not be taking in, even though all pieces of evidence show that it curing people with the virus.

I personally do not agree with the WHO and how they see Africans. I must say that; our ancestors didn’t have any laboratory for testing any medicines but their medicines were perfect.

Madagascar coronavirus drug
Madagascar coronavirus drug

Our ancestors grew very old but why are we not growing old even in the presence of all the so-called ultramodern testing labs?

What even shows that whatever the Western land discovers is better? Just recently, Tanzania took a blood sample of a goat and pawpaw and tested it with the test kit brought from this Western land but something awful and awkward happened.

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The sample of the pawpaw and goat tested Positive. These are the people we are waiting for their vaccines whiles their test kits are testing positives on pawpaws and goats. Does this not sound funny?

Let me draw the attention of Ghanaians and Africans on the statistics of recovery by the countries that had to take this concoction from Madagascar at the time of my research.

Cambodia had 122 cases with 120 recoveries and 0 death, whiles Madagascar had 128 cases with 92 recoveries and 0 death. Other African countries such as Equatorial Guinea, Senegal had all joined the train of countries travelling to the Island to pick up the drug to cure it, people, with some other neighbouring countries such as DR Congo, Guinea Bissau showed interest in it.

READ ALSO: Madagascar Cures 92 Coronavirus Patients With Its New Found Herbal Medicine

So, the question I’m now asking is that, are we still waiting for their vaccine or we are going for the cure from our African neighbour (Madagascar) or we should still wait for our Doctors?

This is the time for all African countries to reconsider our thought because the Western countries still have a perception that, Africans are good for nothing and hence this virus will kill us all so that they will come for our natural resources in the name of providing us with their so-called vaccines but hardly did they know that, something better could come out of Nazareth as once said in the Bible.

Africans, this is the time for us and our Leaders to rise and act. I still believe in our Africa and hence, AFRICA SHALL RISE AGAIN!!!

Source: TheBBCghana.Com/Justice Phinehas Gyesi ([email protected])

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