NDCs Suspension Will Not Stop Me From Praising Nana Akufo Addo – Allotey Jacobs Causes Confusion In NDC

Allotey Jacobs
Allotey Jacobs

Embattled former Central Regional Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Bernard Allotey Jacobs insists he would continue to sing praises of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) once what they do is for the good of the country.

He disclosed that he is committed to the ideals and ideologies of the NDC dismissing claims that he is in bed with the NPP as claimed by some leaders of his party.

According to him, his stance on praising the current government when it does good things is tailored towards changing the narrative in the political discourse in the country.

“How could I be in bed with the NPP, facts are facts, when something is good about the NPP I will say it, when it is wrong, I will talk against it. You see there is the need for us to change the kind of narrative or we have to change our political discourse, you see we need to grow our politics in this country,” he revealed on Accra-based Joy Fm monitored by TheBBCghana.Com.

Bernard Allotey Jacobs in February last year said since his party the NDC has barred him from representing them on political talk shows, he now speaks as a social commentator whose principle is the truth.

Allotey Jacobs came under attack after TheBBCghana.Com reported that he had commended President Akufo-Addo for procuring 307 ambulances for Ghana.

“The interior of the state of the art ambulances recently commissioned and distributed by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo can give life back to a dying patient … We all should face facts if you look at the inside and see the equipment and colour design it looks very attractive. If you are at the point of death, the colours in the ambulance can give you the vim to survive. The inside is great,” Allotey said.

“All those ambulances that were brought into the country from the Kufuor to Mahama regimes must be added to the current fleet. If there is the need to retool them, they should, so we carve a new ambulance system. It would be prudent for the government to supply them ambulances to the Regional and Teaching Hospitals,” he added.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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