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Netizens fire Rev Obofour’s wife for drinking alcohol and dyeing her hair

Unless God consider on Judgment Day: Netizens fire Rev Obofour’s wife for drinking alcohol...

Queen Ciara, alias Bofowaa, Rev. Obofour's attractive wife, has attracted a lot of attention on social media since revealing her new appearance. The new haircut...
Sammy Gyamfi

Sammy Gyamfi Accuses Daughters Of Akuffo-Addo Of Extorting Money From Public Institutions

Lead Communicator of the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi has accused the daughters of President Akuffo-Addo of milking the state through their Non-Governmental Organization dubbed, My...
SHS Girls twerk

Stress Tonic Video: Free SHS Girl trends online over bad grammar after writing WASCCE

A funny video is fast going viral online and fast attracting comments from social media users all over Ghana. In the video, an excited Free...

Young shy girl forced to dance in front of a crowd shows off sweet...

A young shy girl who was forced to display her dance moves made all those gathered stops dancing to watch her do some crazy...
Coronavirus Death In Iran due to Alcohol

Over 700 Iranians Dead After Drinking Alcohol To Cure Coronavirus

More than 700 people have died in Iran after ingesting toxic methanol, erroneously thinking it can cure the new coronavirus.The National Coroner’s Authority said...