Emma Raducanu net worth

In this article, you will discover more information about the British professional tennis player Emma Raducanu, her personal information, career details, net worth, and many other details worth noting about her. Keep reading to find out more!

Personal profile and career information about Emma Raducanu

Emma Raducanu is a popular British professional tennis player. She was born on 13 November 2002 (age 19) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Raducanu turned professional in 2018. Raducanu is a baseline player, who has an aggressive style of play. She has won many titles in her junior career. In 2018, she won ITF Grade-3 at Chandigarh and Grade-2 junior tournaments at New Delhi.

Raducanu was set to start the 2022 season at the Melbourne Summer Set, but withdrew citing recent isolation from COVID-19. Raducanu is sponsored by Nike for clothing and shoes.

Salary and net worth of Emma Raducanu

Emma Raducanu has earned US$ 2,842,631 as prize money from her career. She also earns lots of money from endorsement deals for Nike, Wilson, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton. She is also a brand ambassador for Evian and British Airways.

She has a net worth of approximately $18 million. Her source of income is primarily from being a successful tennis player. She also makes her income from being a brand ambassador for popular brands.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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