Hot Video: Maame Yeboah Asiedu is one foolish and evil woman collapsing my relationship – Funny Face

Funny Face says Maame Yeboah Asiedu is foolish
Funny Face has been beating me with the least provocation – Funny Face’s Baby Mama finally speaks

It seems Funny Face is simply not lucky in the thing called relationship marriage. Man is rich to the Ghanaian standard, but he is unable to keep a lady for long.

Per grounds checks made by The BBC Ghana, Funny Face is very in bed, therefore, ladies don’t feel comfortable being with him despite his money. Thus, he lasts only 3 minutes maximum in bed – what a pity!

Back to the subject matter, the comic actor has been captured in viral footage raining insults at former United Television (UTV) and Peace FM presenter Maame Yeboah Asiedu.

He claimed the ‘so-called’ (that’s how he described her) marriage counsellor has been instigating his baby mama against him.

In Funny Face’s own words, Maame Yeboah Asiedu is the main antagonist behind his marital woes and he is prepared to go down the gutters with her. Using a lot of derogatory words in Ga and Twi, Funny Face said he will drop all the dirty secrets of the TV and radio personality in the coming days.

He said;

GYE NYAME “ ✊🔥 .. da truth must come out 🥵🔥👎 MAAME YEBOAH ASIEDU foolish useless old a******* get ready .. Ghana 🇬🇭 will hail u soon .. foolish useless old lady 👵 .. ur big ***** breast like “ PIE R SQUARE “ useless old fool .. bring urself .. the whole world will know abt u and what u really do !! Fake woman .. odwan 🥵🤬 🔥🔥🔥🧨🧨😡😜😜you go feel da fire soon 🔥🔥🔥 All da women you were linking to old men are ready to talk .. “ EI GO OVER YOU “ “ ONE MAN THOUSAND “ Ghana 🇬🇭 get ready to hear things .. all secrets coming out .. yo people think u can tarnish my image .. da truth video , names are abt to drop .. Ghana get ready to be shocked 😳 !!! Nipa y3 baaddddd 😡😡🥵🤬 “ ONE MAN THOUSAND.

Watch the video below:

 Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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