Is Patricia Lofton still alive or dead? (Updated 2022)


Patricia Lofton born on April 26, 1963, was given up for adoption in the same year of birth. She spent her youth in foster homes before she was adopted out. She was desperate on reconciling with her biological family because she felt she didn’t fit into society. Patricia became a single mother with two children to cater for.

Patricia Lofton worked low-paying jobs just to be able to provide for her children’s needs. Patricia was determined to make a life for her children, Aquarius and Andre.

Patricia contacted the adoption agency to put her in touch with her biological mother but the request was rejected. She took it upon herself to comb through her adoption records and managed to track down a woman she was related to in Wisconsin where she was born. This woman was Oprah Winfrey’s niece.

Patricia Lofton saw Vernita Lee on TV talking about a dead child and other family occurrences. Patricia went back to her records and good enough, the dates matched. A DNA test was performed and it showed that Patricia’s mother was Vernita Lee, Oprah Winfrey’s mother. Patricia got to know that Oprah Winfrey, Patricia Lee Lloyd, and Jeffrey Lee were her siblings.

In 2014, Oprah supported Patricia to go to school at the University of Wisconsin. She enrolled and graduated in 2017 with a degree in social work.

Is Patricia Lofton still alive or dead?

Patricia Lofton is still alive and any news about her death should be disregarded.


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