Old Students Of St. John’s Grammar SHS storm school to threaten Rasta girls admitted to the school

Rasta at St. John’s Grammar
Old Students Of St. John’s storm school to threaten Rasta girls admitted to the school

A group of an old student of St. John’s Grammar have threatened to cause the withdrawal of 2 Rastafarians admitted to the school.

The two girls Nikita and Amrita Marhguy happen to be sisters of Tyrone Marguay, one of the boys in the Achimota School admission controversy.

Speaking to Joynews, the father of the Rastafarian students said, St. John’s Grammar had already admitted the girls but they’re all of sudden trying to make a u-turn.

“They came on the 18th [March 2021] to submit all the documents they were asked to bring. But they came with a complaint that the old students wanted me to come and talk about their hair. When we came to submit the [documents], I saw the headmaster and spoke pointed to the girls and told him I wanted to talk about their hair.

“But he said no problem, you should make sure they submit everything and then be in the school and then you can come next week so we talk. So, I thought everything was cool until they came with this report yesterday,”

The man continued that he went to the school again on Monday, a guy amongst the old students approached the girls and told them to shave their hair because Achimota is their sister school.

“When we came, one man came out and told us that Achimota is their sister school and that they have rules which must be obeyed and so if we wanted the kids to be in the school, we should go cut their hair,” he claimed.

Tyrone also had this to say about how his sisters were humiliated by the old students.

“I am angry, I am sad, I am disappointed, all put together. [My sisters] are also affected now. I came to visit them yesterday and everything seemed cool. But they came home complaining that back at school, some members of the old student’s association (JOSA) came and asked them questions they found very offensive,” he told Joy News.

‘‘[They asked her, ‘do you even wash your hair? So how do you feel having this nasty thing on your hair? As if it was something disgusting,” Tyrone alleged.

Source: TheBBCghana.Com

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