The preliminary selection process for the Energy Commission’s Renewable Energy Challenge for the Ashanti Region came off Friday, 25th June 2021 at the Auditorium of KTI.
Close to 25 schools took part in the competition which lasted for about 5 hours as various schools presented their Renewable Energy Projects under the scrutiny of Energy Professor Francis Kemausuor of the KNUST.
Each school presented its project in a PowerPoint presentation as the judges questioned them on the rationale for the project and the innovation behind the project.
Gyaama Pensan Senior High School presented their project on Plant Microbial Fuel Cell Technology with concrete evidence according to the criteria needed for the programme and answered the questions from the judges.
The school demonstrated how to produce renewable energy from living plants and microbes such as Geobacter, Shewanella and Proteobacter through photosynthetic activities of living plants
The school is to reappear in the main competition for the Ashanti Region on the 9th July 2021 after beating OWASS, KNUST SHS, KTI, Aduman SHS, and others where 1 winner will represent the Ashanti Region for the national event.
See the phots below:

Source: TheBBCghana.Com